Monday, 9 May 2016

For Women Only! See why your BRA makes your BREAST sag!

Bras are a woman’s greatest assets, as they give those perks a new kind of sexy looks. Wonder bras, padded bras, push-up bras… name it, you have got them all.

They give ladies the perfect lift and fit every time we wear them, while preventing undue sagging. However it is an embarrassing sight when they come off. You know what I mean!
A woman with the perfect firm boobs exudes confidence from within, especially when those bras are off. If you find yourself on the other side, you might just be wearing your bras wrongly.

Here are a few bad bra habits you might be indulging in that are unhealthy, and are likely causes of saggy boobs.

ILL fitting bras
Bras are not just meant for cover up, they are meant for support and elevation. Wearing ill-fitting bras constantly is counterproductive, because it puts strain on your boobs, leading to the skin being lose. Figure out your perfect bra size.

Smoking/ Alcohol:

So you love to smoke and drink excessively and could not care less about the consequences. Bad news is, apart from putting your health at risk; your breasts ca not escape the damage cigarettes do.
Any amount of smoking weakens and ages the skin by decreasing the blood supply to the skin surface, which makes your boobs to lose elasticity and begin to sag.

Not exercising with a firm bra
Doing heavy workouts like jogging and running without a sports bra is a huge NO NO, because when UV rays is given access to penetrate your skin without the protection of a sunscreen, this leads to stretched out collagen which automatically damages the skin, thereby causing droopiness

 Bad posture
Maintaining a bad posture is bad for your health, as it leads to back and waist pain, but it does not stop there, it also affects your boobs.
If 90% of the time you assume an unnatural position for long hours, your boobs will follow suit too.

Bleaching products and excessive touching
Besides bras, there are other factors that cause saggy boobs, bleaching products. The craze to utter our skin, not only bleaches our skin, but causes our breast tissues to wear off automatically and also causes the breast to sag.

Fluctuating weight

There! Impressive, You have worked your butt off to achieve your dream body, but this is a tale often short lived as three months down the line as usual, you are gulping down all the eatables. STOP! Overtime when you gain and lose weight repeatedly the breast tissue becomes slack. So if you need the perfect reason? Stick to your diet for the sake of your boobs!

Proper bra care
Are you still saggy in a properly-fitted bra? Chances are, your bra is “dead”. Your bra is not a Mercedes, ladies, it will not last forever!
On an average, bras should be used for only 8 to 9 months – depending on your breast size and how many bras you are recycling in and out and how you take care of them.
If bras are under a lot of pressure, it will stretch and weaken in time. You have to replace your bras regularly if you want to keep your perks supported and firm.
Ladies, it may also interest you to know that your breast tissue ages two to three years faster than the rest of your body, so handle them with extra care.
Note, however, that some breast sag is inevitable. Having a baby, breastfeeding, and aging all contribute to a loss of elasticity of collagen — leaving your set deflated than firm. Sagging can also be a matter of genetics. If your mother had a droopy pair, you might be predisposed to one, too. So it is not your fault.

1 comment:

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