Saturday, 14 May 2016

See Reasons Why You Pick Your Nose!

Have you ever wondered why we pick our nose? Probably not, because there are far more important things in life to worry about than this disgusting behavior. Surprisingly, there are several scientists who are intrigued about nose-picking and are working hard to discover the reason as to why we do it. Though it is considered taboo, almost all of Earth’s population, whether in public or in private, is picking their nose.

Nose-picking is seen as a hygienic but disgusting act of removing nasal debris. This might seem like an excellent explanation as to why humans do it, but one study in 2006 showed that nose-picking could potentially cause harm. People who pick their noses are more likely to become carriers of a certain nasty bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus than their non-picker counterparts. 

In other words, picking your nose can make you a spreader of bacterial infections. For some, nose-picking has becoming an unhealthy and harmful behavior. A 53-year-old woman carved a hole into her sinus and nasal septum (the cartilage and bone that separates the nostrils) as a result of chronic nose-picking.

So why do humans still continue to pick if it’s more harmful than helpful? Scientists still don’t have an answer. Perhaps, as trivial and disgusting as it is, this behavior is destined to remain an eternal biological mystery. 

Source: BBC

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